A Prayer of One Who Is Sick
When you are sick, you need to cling to God more.
And during such times, some prayers can help express the deepest cries of our hearts.
I wrote the prayer below that also sounds like a poem. The lines are very short because we usually find it hard to read long words when we are sick.
The prayer can be repeated as frequently as one may need.
I hope that this can somehow give comfort to those who need it today.
If you or your loved one is sick, I pray that God may send His strength to assist you and grant you the grace to overcome the trials you’re going through.
A Prayer of One Who Is Sick
Heavenly Father,
I praise your mighty name.
I praise your power,
I praise your love,
I praise your mercy
from above.
I trust your power
I trust your mercy,
I trust your healing love.
Grant me comfort,
Send your care,
Send your blessings,
Touch my head,
and touch my heart.
Where there is pain
there place your love.
My God, I suffer.
I hurt and cry,
Sometimes I feel,
like I may die.
But grant your power,
Lord grant your strength,
And as you suffered,
Be near my pain.
Touch my hands,
and touch my feet.
Send forth your power,
where I feel weak.
I offer everything,
I trust you now,
Send help from heaven
Come help me now!
“One must not think that a person who is suffering is not praying. He is offering up his sufferings to God, and many a time he is praying much more…”
- St. Teresa of Avila
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