Before We Run Out Of Time
Being grateful for each moment that will never return
There will be a time when you can no longer hear their laughter, a time when you would think about something interesting to share, and they will no longer be there to hear it. Yes, there will come a time when you wish you could share even one more meal with them, and they will be unable to, for they are already gone.
Don’t wait for that day when you’d wish with all your might to turn back the hands of time but all that you could ever do is stay stuck in that moment of regret.
Live instead as though each day could both be your last. If you’re the one to pass away first, let it be that you have left wonderful memories for those you leave behind, memories they can hold on to and give them strength at their darkest hours when you will no longer be around.
If by chance your loved ones should go before you to the next life, may it be that you have given them enough love and that you won’t have regrets after they pass away.
We hold no assurance in this life. Not even the next moment is guaranteed. So let us all be grateful for the time and opportunity given us.
Let the minor irritations be set aside, they would no longer matter in times of grief.
What would always matter is that we have loved. Love is the only thing that our souls can keep for all eternity.
Jocelyn is an author and full-time Catholic writer. Download for free some of her inspirational e-books - click here.