Miracles are not done to produce faith. It is faith that makes miracles happen!
“He didn’t do many mighty works there because of their unbelief.” -Matthew 13:58, WEBBE
Faith is an open hand, willing and able to receive the many blessings being poured upon it.
It is an open window, able to let the sunshine in, allowing the fresh air to come. It is the door of the heart through which the love of God can freely come to dwell.
Many times, we wait for miracles to have us believe. When we do not see any, we say that there is no reason to believe anyway.
But miracles need even faith. Miracles are always there, coming down from heaven. But how do we see it without the eyes of faith?
To Believe What the Eyes Cannot See
To believe what the eyes cannot see,
To trust when you cannot see the way,
To keep on believing when there’s no one else
to cheer you on,
To keep on hoping
To keep on dreaming
Even when your way seems blocked,
Even when you’ve waited for so long,
Just carry on, carry on.
Drop by drop
Your cup shall overflow,
Inch by inch
You’ll walk the mile.
Be impatient not for the day
For it will surely come!
It will give way
To the man who knows
What he truly desires.
Clouds shall gather without your knowing,
Seeds shall grow beneath the ground,
And soon the clouds that have gathered
Shall pour as heavy rain,
With showers of blessings before your very eyes.
Soon the seed shall be a tree,
Mighty and strong,
And yielding a hundred fruits for the picking.
Trust that none can stop that rain from falling,
Or that seed from breaking free.
And you shall break free!
One day you, too, shall see
How God’s own plan comes true
How He shall make a way for you
Until you reach your destiny!