Did the World Become More Tolerant?
When the opposite seems to be happening today
People today say they are more tolerant.
But as I writer, I feel more anxious now than ever before. These days, I feel that it’s so easy to be criticized once you commit a mistake.
People get angry too quickly. People have that presumption that if you offend them, you must have always intended to hurt them.
Where is room today when you make a mistake?
Where is the tolerance the world is talking about?
It’s as though every person is on a defense mode all the time. Every word you say is weighed. Once you fail to speak like other people do, you are quickly dismissed as the evil one.
And it doesn’t seem to matter whether you are speaking to fellow believers or to people who don’t share your faith.
Is it because of the electronic screens that keep us from looking at each other’s faces?
Is it because people no longer have a clear sense of right and wrong? Is it because we have separated ourselves from each other?
Perhaps Mother Teresa was right when she said the following words:
“Today, if we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other — that man, that woman, that child is my brother or my sister.”
Venerable Fulton Sheen’s once said:
“Tolerance applies only to persons … never to truth.”
In the world today, perhaps we’re doing just the opposite of that.
Do you have any questions to God? You may want to take a look at my book “Questions to God” — click here.
You may also want to read:
Of Waves and Butterflies: Poems on Grief
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Our woke cancel culture has made it an art form to be continuously offended. Whatever you do, you can't win. This little sketch sums it up perfectly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwOGMNrFBiM
This is so true! I feel like you have to walk on eggshells with everything you say online. I don’t know what it is about the online space that makes that so prevalent. I had to step back from IG myself recently because I found I was getting so worked up myself about silly things and getting in dumb arguments with strangers about the ridiculous things. I didn’t like the person I was in a lot of my comments.