For the countless times I sinned
And you still took me in.
For the countless times I strayed
And you still held my hand
Willing to lead me back
Again and again.
For the countless times I faltered
And you never gave up
But continued to believe
That I can still get up.
For the countless times I’ve hurt you
But you never complained
And you kept on loving me
Again and again.
It is for these and for countless things more,
For things that words could never express
That I give you my praise, my heart and my soul
Hoping and praying that I could love you more.
O how I pray for the time
And how I long for the day
That I won’t hurt you
And I won’t fail you anymore.
But until that day
I pray you show me the way
To keep on believing
To keep on hoping
To keep on returning
Again and again
To you.
You Never Give Up On Me
Here is a song I published on my YouTube channel “She Who Prays Twice” that reflects a similar sentiment to the above poem:
O how great is the infinite love of God! How patient, how kind and how unfathomable. Praised be our Lord forever and ever.
“Love never fails.” - 1 Corinthians 13:8 (NABRE)
Jocelyn Soriano is a Catholic author, poet and blogger. She wrote the books Poems of Love and Letting Go, Of Waves and Butterflies: Poems on Grief and Poems for a Faithful Heart: Christian Poetry on God’s Love.
Lovely. It reminds me of a short piece I wrote years ago as words to a repeated musical prayer:
Through all my wanderings You found me--
Forever calling out to me.
Though far I roam
You bring me home
Once again, my Lord, You found me.