Have you ever felt like wanting to ask God a question? Not in the sense of doubting Him. Not in the sense of disbelieving His goodness. But just an honest question from a human being who can't help but feel a nagging question from within oneself. If you could ask God one question, what would it be?
As for my own experience, I have asked God not just one question in the course of my spiritual growth. I couldn't even remember how many questions I've asked. But what I can sincerely say is that He has never failed to satisfy my needs. In more ways than I could possibly remember, He has answered me just when I needed Him most. And yes, even His silence was a loving response to my longing soul.
One of the most common questions asked about God is this: If God is good, why doesn't He intervene in the affairs of man? This is especially so when there is suffering or an evil that should have been stopped by a good God.
Let’s pause for a minute as we reflect on what could possibly happen when God intervenes as most of us wanted Him to:
· God stops us from getting sick
· God stops us from dying when attacked by others
· God stops us from sinning
· God stops others from sinning against us
As we may realize, if God intervenes, He must consistently do so also in order not to be deemed as imperfect or evil. And when He does, the laws of this world that He has created shall all be broken by the very One who created it. Freedom and freewill shall no longer be, and He will infringe upon the dignity of man, the one He has so created in His very own image.
The source of suffering in this life comes from two things:
1. Suffering of the physical body
2. Suffering of the spiritual self
To what suffering then must God intervene for us all that we may deem Him Good and Perfect?
1. As to remedying sin (the cause of suffering of our spirit), neither love nor faith can be forced
2. As to remedying physical illness and death (the cause of suffering of the physical body), it would be a curse to give immortality to those who have not learned to love God.
God chose to save us in His own way, in the wisest and most loving way possible. He chose to share with our pain and to redeem our suffering. He sent His only Son so that all who would believe in Him may have eternal life.
God does grant His miracles, but it is not for us to tell Him when or how. He has prepared a blessed and perfect life for all who would believe in Him, in that life where all our suffering would turn into joy!
How about you? What other questions would you like to ask God?