Many people today don’t seem to need God anymore in their lives.
They believe that all the happiness that they want can already be found here on earth.
It may include the many pleasures and material riches one can possess, the various adventures one can experience in life and the relationships with people one can choose to have. None of which seems to include God (although none could possibly exist in reality without Him).
The fact is that people don’t seem to look for God because they don’t know the kind of happiness they can only find in Him.
Perhaps this is one reason why the poor are blessed. Those who mourn and those who know their misery are blessed because they can still have the motivation to look for Him. Even suffering then can be a friend if it can urge us to look for relief somewhere else, in Someone who alone can give it to us.
If only people knew what they are missing, whom they are giving up. If only they knew the kind of happiness they could have by finding God!
People don’t believe in God because they have not tasted His goodness.
They have not experienced the bliss of knowing Him.
Saints who have tasted His sweetness in prayer could abandon the whole world just to remain in His presence. They could suffer all earthly pain if only they could look forward to spending eternity with God.
O, how joyful! How blessed. How happy is the one who has tasted the goodness of God!
St. Teresa of Avila was right in saying that we shouldn’t miss this opportunity that we can find even here on earth:
“Rouse yourselves, my sisters, and since some foretaste of heaven may be had on earth, beg our Lord to give us grace not to miss it through our own fault. Ask Him to show us where to find it—ask Him to give us strength of soul to dig until we find this hidden treasure, which lies buried within our hearts, as I wish to show you if it please God to enable me.”
God is not far away. He waits for us in prayer. And He desires to fill our empty hearts with the incomparable happiness and sweetness of His love!
“Wherever I go, God is with me in my poor heart. That’s the little house where I dwell; it’s my heaven here on earth. I live with God; and despite being on walks, we converse with each other without anyone being able to surprise us or interrupt us. If you knew Him enough, you would love Him. If you were with Him for one hour, you’d know just what heaven on earth is.” - St. Teresa of the Andes
“O taste and see that the Lord is good;
happy are those who take refuge in him.”
- Psalm 34:8 (NRSVCE)
I would like to share with you some of my personal experiences that have helped me catch a glimpse of heaven. I do not wish to convince you that I have had a supernatural experience or that I’ve witnessed some kind of miracle. But I would share with you my experiences for what they were to me…
Let Me Tell You When I Had a Glimpse of Heaven
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