I can choose to see your frailty. I can choose to see your broken dreams. I can choose to see only your pain and fall into despair.
But I can also choose to see your strength. I can choose to see how bravely you’re fighting for your dreams. I can choose to hope and to go on believing.
Indeed, I can choose to see you for who you really are, not for how you appear to be. And I can see you as God sees you, for God is beyond time or space, beyond our passing troubles and fears.
How do I see you? I see you for the best that you can become.
I see you for the dreams you are to reach. And I see you basking in the light you are soon to find.
I see you now, joyful and beautiful. I see you in the arms of my God and your God who loves us most.
I see you healed and strong, away from all these suffering and pain. I see you finally knowing and fully believing that you are loved. Yes, loved with no possible measure nor end. Loved beyond all your yearnings and imaginings.
I see you blessed and glorious in His love and I am fully satisfied. This is the peace that passes all understanding. This is the consolation that soothes all of my fleeting griefs.
This is how I see you in God’s grace. And this is my unshakable hope. This is my unwavering joy!
“Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.” — Helen Keller
More than eyes that see our tears, we need hearts that trust our courage!
“I thank my God whenever I remember you…being confident of this very thing, that he who began a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.” — Philippians 1:3,6 (WEBBE)
Jocelyn Soriano is the author of “366 Days of Compassion”. Get this One Year Devotional as a gift for yourself and for your loved ones this coming year.
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“The deepest wounds of the soul are healed only by compassion… People do not merely need to be clothed, they need to be embraced with love. A love that enters into their own fears and frailty, a love that suffers with them and stays with them through their darkest hour.”
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Jocelyn Soriano is a Catholic devotional writer and poet. Aside from Medium, she also writes at I Take Off the Mask and Single Catholic Writer.