Occasions of Love and Happiness
Married people and religious people have very special occasions in their lives that seem to be the culmination of a life-long search for their happiness and life’s meaning. They arrive at that point in time when it’s as though heaven has finally come upon them. They celebrate this with their loved ones who are just as happy that they have finally found their vocation in life.
With single people like me, however, no such occasion seems to be present. All our days seem to be days of waiting for something we don’t even know. When will we arrive at our true happiness? When will heaven come upon our hearts?
We have a very peculiar kind of cross. Even faith may not completely fill our emptiness within.
What do we do in times when we feel as though we’re missing something?
While our yearning for love may not totally go away in this life, we should not imagine that a single life is without its glimpses of happiness. Our God is not harsh nor unkind. Whenever He gives us a cross to bear, He also provides us with sufficient grace to bear it.
My Personal Experience
Based on my personal experience, I have felt God showering me with unimaginable foretastes of joy every now and then. They may not be as often as I’d want them to be, but they’re tokens of His great compassion for me. They help me to remember the kind of happiness that I seek, the kind that I can never find anywhere in this earthly life.
I can never fully describe these occasions, and I fear I may go wrong if I try to say more. But I would like fellow singles like me to have hope in God’s mercy. He knows our state of life. He understands our loneliness. And He gives us sufficient grace to overcome the challenges we face each day.
A Taste of His Sweet Presence
We may not have partners in life or children. But let us always remember that we have Him. He is the Source of all love and happiness. And while He may keep His face veiled, He can provide us with glimpses of His light.
And when we taste His sweet Presence, all sorrows seem to melt as though they haven’t touched our hearts at all. When He allows us to have even the smallest glimpse of His beauty, we’d realize that He I the One we’ve been searching for all along.
All other loves begin to pale in comparison to His glory. All other joys seem more like sorrow with His touch.
It is impossible for us to even imagine all these. But nothing is impossible with God.
Coming from the Saints
The saints assure us that we can love Him even when He is invisible to our eyes.
"It's true that we can't see God with our bodily eyes. But God becomes visible to us through faith…Believe me. I'm speaking to you sincerely: I used to believe it was impossible ever to fall in love with a God who is unseen; with someone who can't be hugged and touched. But today, I can affirm with my hand over my heart, that God completely makes up for that sacrifice. You feel that love so much, and those caresses from Our Lord that is seems God is there by your side...If you knew Him enough, you would love Him. If you were with Him for one hour, you'd know just what heaven on earth is." (letter 40) -St. Teresa of the Andes
“Rouse yourselves, my sisters, and since some foretaste of heaven may be had on earth, beg our Lord to give us grace not to miss it through our own fault. Ask Him to show us where to find it—ask Him to give us strength of soul to dig until we find this hidden treasure, which lies buried within our hearts…He makes it impossible for no one to gain these riches.” - St. Teresa of Avila, The Mansions
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Yes, there are many glimpses of Heaven. One for existence; and this my being a guy; is when I see feminine beauty I see it as a brushstroke from the hand of God. Just another wonderful tapestry of the greatest gift given to man; save for life, itself. To witness beauty; feminine beauty is to see Heaven; or at the very least; the closest we can this side of life.