How To Be Attractive in a World That Hates To Be Chaste
When you need to re-define what being beautiful means
Whenever I look at photos on Instagram and Facebook today, I can’t help but realize how the world’s sense of beauty has changed. What seems to be normal now isn’t the normal our parents used to know. What seems to be fashionable today could sometimes go beyond what’s comfortable for someone who wants to maintain modesty and chastity.
But what do you do if you’re someone who is still seeking for your partner in life? Should you just give up the idea of being a beautiful person in the eyes of your special someone? If you don’t follow the trend, it’s so easy to be labeled as a prude or an old-fashioned person. But if you give in, you’d also go against your beliefs and you’d fail to reflect the kind of person you are.
Is it still possible to become attractive in a world that seems to detest purity?
The People You Want To Find
First of all, you should ask yourself, “What kind of person do I want to be with for life?”
If you want a man who values chastity, you should not follow those who would like to attract other types of men.
You should present yourself the way you want similar kinds of people to see you.
Be Yourself
The best way to find the people who will love you is to be who you are.
You’re not there to be an imitation of another person. You’re a wonderfully unique person created in the image of God. Be the best version of who you are.
Glow From Within
There’s nothing like beauty that comes from within. You can't fake it with makeup or a luxurious set of clothes. No jewelry can ever compare with a soul adorned with priceless virtues.
Be a Confident Person
You appear more attractive when your actions reflect your confidence. Being a good person doesn’t mean being weak or insecure. It also means being strong and dependable. It means having the courage to present yourself as you are.
Adorn Your Words With Kindness
Have you ever met people who became more attractive the moment they started to talk? That’s the power of words. Through words, we convey who we are. We impart our thoughts and our feelings. We can make people feel comfortable, valued and inspired whenever they hear us speak.
Be a Good Listener
Besides our words, we can also attract people with our silence. People like to be with those they can talk to. They want people who can provide them with undivided attention.
That’s not easy to get nowadays. We often find people who are so busy with their mobile phones they couldn’t even hear what we’re saying. Be a good listener and let people know they’re in good company with you.
Be Humble
There’s nothing as repulsive as someone who keeps on boasting about oneself. On the other hand, there’s nothing as attractive as a strong person with a humble attitude.
Humility is not putting oneself down. It is having the right kind of attitude towards oneself. He or she does not brag about one’s achievements. They don’t hang around being annoyed whenever someone touches their ego.
But it’s a great comfort to have them around. They are warm, pleasant, open-minded and can talk for hours without being rude or arrogant.
Be Graceful In Your Actions
To be graceful is to have that kind of elegance in you. You can just walk or open a door for someone and it would show. It’s how you sit and stand and carry yourself. When you are graceful, you carry yourself with dignity.
Final Words of Advice
Our search for our would-be partners in life shouldn’t make us anxious. We don’t have to follow the trends around us just to attract as many people as we could. Find those with similar values and interests. Find someone who can see your true worth.
We should also remember that every person has a unique perception of beauty. Not being attracted to you doesn’t mean you’re not good-looking enough. You just have to search for those who would find you attractive and worth pursuing.
Last but not the least, I think we often underestimate our own looks. We often form a standard of what it means to be beautiful and we forget to see the beauty in who we are. Be natural, stay humble and glow from within. You are more beautiful already because you chose to be chaste. Let all the world see the beautiful person God has made.
“Your adornment should not be an external one: braiding the hair, wearing gold jewelry, or dressing in fine clothes, but rather the hidden character of the heart, expressed in the imperishable beauty of a gentle and calm disposition, which is precious in the sight of God.” - 1 Peter 3:3-4, NABRE