“I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”- Isaiah 43:19 (NRSVCE)
Nothing is impossible with God. But why are we still full of anxiety and fear?
I have realized that there are four basic reasons why we are still fearful despite having this idea that God can make a way:
1. Because we doubt
We may believe theoretically, but in reality, our faith is tested by our circumstances.
It is very different when we’re just reading and agreeing to all these wonderful ideas about God. We read the Bible and we find God parting the sea for His people. We browse the internet and we are inspired by witnesses who testify to God’s miraculous intervention in their lives.
However, when it comes to our personal lives, we start to have doubts.
“Can God really make a way?’ This is the question that nags at the back of our minds.
Why do we have these doubts? Perhaps we haven’t experienced first hand His saving power in challenging times. Or maybe because we have attributed some of the solution we received to our capacities or to other people.
Now when something very troubling happens, we’re afraid because we are now faced with this very real test. Do we believe in Him when all other resources and solutions fail?
2. Because we can’t be patient enough
We may have experienced God’s help in previous times, but we may not be patient enough to wait for His answers.
Quite often, we want an answer right away. We have been so used to getting what we need at the click of a button. We try to download something and we feel annoyed when something goes wrong. We order something online and we can hardly wait for a few minutes for our delivery.
We’re afraid because we still have to grow in maturity when it comes to waiting upon God’s answers.
If we have faith that God’s help always comes on time, we’d be less afraid. We wouldn’t rush anything because we know that God makes all things beautiful in His time.
3. Because we don’t want to undergo a difficult time
This is very similar to the one above, but here, our fear comes not only from our lack of patience but from our hesitation in surrendering to God’s ways.
What if before God grants us our request, He allows us to undergo some difficult trial to increase our faith? Or what if we need to endure some sort of suffering?
We’re afraid of the pain we may have to go through and this becomes the source of our anxiety.
"We are not necessarily doubting that God will do the best for us; we are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be." - C.S. Lewis
4. Because we have already set our minds on something else
It isn’t because we doubt God’s power to grant us what we ask but that we have already set our expectations on how His answers should be.
We want God to give us the exact thing we’re praying for. And if possible, for Him to give it as soon as possible!
But what if God has something else in mind? What if He is thinking of giving us a better thing?
This should have given us comfort, but we doubt about that “better thing” because it may not be the thing our heart desires.
When Nothing Is Impossible
“For nothing will be impossible with God.” - Luke 1:37 (NRSVCE)
God is the God of the impossible! We first have to believe in this truth that it become embedded in our whole being.
If we feel that we doubt Him, especially in trying times, let us seek Him in prayer and ask that our faith may be strengthened. It is only by trusting Him that we can vanquish our fears and have His peace.
After this, let us pray that our desires may be aligned with His will.
Are we still keeping something for fear that the Lord may take it away? Do we not trust Him enough that He would give us the very best?
If God can give even Himself in sacrifice at the cross, what good would He withhold from us? What matters most are not His gifts but God Himself. With God, we shall always have everything.
“Trust in the Lord, and do good;
so you will live in the land, and enjoy security.
Take delight in the Lord,
and he will give you the desires of your heart.”
- Psalm 37:4 (NRSVCE)
When my path is blocked
and I just don’t know where to go
When the sky is black
and the sun forgets to show
I lift up my eyes
and trust that you hear all my prayers
I will not lose hope
For I know that you will be there…
This combination of reasoned yet heartfelt explanation & encouragement with perfectly complementary music? is valuable & effective. I feel like I am a soul-brother in my mission, and am certainly praying for you and yours for total success in all ways that matter.
- Mark Lajoie of Living Waters
Overcoming fear is a long process, full of tests, which is to say that the counteractive faith has to be cultivated and nurtured day by day. Some of the best advice in this regards that I ever heard, and try to practice, is to stretch your faith just one step beyond your real experience, but no further. Then fear is conquered a little at a time.
I also draw inspiration from this song: I Live Without Fear, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9WxyUtGKhE, which for me is like a God's hands lovingly supporting my heart from underneath, not allowing its energies to droop into worry or fear.