If God Loves Me, Why Did He Make Me This Way?
Discover the kind of person God has created you to be
There are times when we may feel that God is unfair. We ask why some lives seem more blessed than the rest.
“If God is love, and He created me in love, why was I born this way?”
We can’t help but wonder what God had in mind when He made us who we are. Why do we suffer from many kinds of limitations? Why do we have physical, mental or emotional difficulties that other people don’t have? Why do we experience a kind of life that makes us vulnerable to the judgment and prejudice of other people?
“If God made me who I am, why am I this why? What’s His plan for me?”
“Was I not meant to be happy? Was I not meant to do the things other people can do?”
“Why this limitation? Why this difficulty?”
We have all these questions and we can’t seem to find the answers we’re looking for. We were told that God is good and that He loves us, but we can’t understand how His goodness can be seen in our lives.
We just want to be happy. We want to be accepted from the very core of our being. We just want to be loved.
But who could ever love us the way we are? How could we even be happy?
We ask, “Am I not meant to love and to be loved?”
There is no easy answer, but quite often, we fail to see God’s response because we look only at the immediate satisfaction of our desires.
We look at other people’s lives and how they could enjoy the life they were given. We look at the way people often claim to have achieved their dreams. We look at the way they have been loved.
And we start to want those dreams, too. We start to believe that the path they took is the only way to be happy. The only way to be loved.
And then we start to despair because we could never have the things that they have. We notice how different we are. We look down on ourselves and we doubt if God has ever made us in His image.
If we are made into His likeness, how could we be so inherently flawed? How could our lives be so miserable? Why are we deprived of the things other people could so easily enjoy?
But what we have failed to realize is that every time God seems to deprive us of something, He is intending to give us something that is far better.
Every time God withholds good things from us, He is planning to bless us with more!
Sometimes we do not see His answers because we fail to look ahead. We fail to look up. We fail to see how exceedingly high His hopes for us really are.
Do you have some kind of weakness that scares you? Then look towards the strength God has blessed you to overcome your troubles. Do you have some kind of limitation that keeps you from reaching your dreams? Look deeper and see the potential that far outweighs the limitations that paralyze you.
You have been wonderfully made. You may not be like other people are, but God has blessed you and planned a blessed life for you.
Never say that you could never be happy. Never say that you could never be loved. For if you have God, you will have true joy. If you have God, you will always be loved.
“I believe that God is in me as the sun is in the colour and fragrance of a flower — the Light in my darkness, the Voice in my silence.” — Helen Keller
Never say that there is nothing you can do to make a difference in the world. Your very weaknesses shall be the strengths that would propel you to accomplish something only you could possibly do.
And never say that you could never love as fully as other people could. For who could put a limit to a love that is pure and true? Maybe you are being called to love in a higher way. Maybe your calling is something nobler than you have ever given yourself credit for.
Be not afraid of Him who knows you like no other. Trust Him who is not finished with you yet, and He will lead you to your fullest potential.
You were made for something great. You were made from Him who is Love Himself, so how could your life not be filled with love?
The next time you ask, “Who is this person God created me to be?”, don’t look for the answer in places where the answer could never be found.
Look to Him who has created you with the purest of intentions. Look to Him who has prepared a future for you that is far more beautiful than anything the world could ever offer you.
Never fail to see the great Love that has been reserved for you, the bliss that was meant to be yours, and the kind of person you should truly be.
“For I know the thoughts that I think towards you,” says the LORD, “thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you hope and a future.” — Jeremiah 29:11, WEBBE
Me and YOU
I am so small,
and You’re so BIG,
how can I ever love YOU
the way You love me?
Sometimes I hate myself
for just being me,
yet how wrong am I
to think that way.
For I am me
because of You,
and You gave up part of You,
so I can be me.
Please help me Lord,
to live with gladness;
Knowing that I am me,
and believing that each moment,
I shall be more of You!
“The struggle of life is one of our greatest blessings. It makes us patient, sensitive, and Godlike. It teaches us that although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.” — Helen Keller
Three Last Things to Think About
1. You are not the labels the world has put on you
Sometimes, the words people say about us can hurt us so deeply they become etched as scars in our hearts. Being scars, we think they somehow define us. We can even think there must be some truth in what other people say.
Don’t let these words define you. They may hurt you, but don’t let them have power over you.
In the end, what matters is how God sees you. You were made in His image, that is the identity you must always remember.
2. You are not your negative experiences
Experiencing something painful or traumatic sometimes makes us feel we have somehow deserved those experiences. Some people go as far as thinking they are punishments for all the wrong things they have done.
But your experiences are not the same as your identity. And being the victim of some experiences should never be the same as saying you’re the one at fault.
You were born with all the potentials and gifts you could tap for all eternity. You were not born with all of those experiences. They just happened to you somehow, and they should not define who you are. You can be healed from them through the help of God.
3. You are not your past sins
Having done something wrong shouldn’t mean you’d never do anything right. Even if you have committed the worst sins, for as long as you have breath, you can ask God to help you and to save you. You can repent, change and overcome the sins that have enslaved you in the past.
“Do not pronounce a man to be a drunkard although you may have seen him drunk, or an adulterer, because you know he has sinned; a single act does not stamp him forever.” – St. Francis de Sales
“’Come now, and let’s reason together,’ says the LORD:
‘Though your sins are as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.
Though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool.’”
- Isaiah 1:18, WEBBE
God Isn’t Finished With You Yet
Always remember that God is still at work in your life. He isn’t finished with you yet! You still have time, and you can also change and develop yourself into your fullest potential. With God’s grace in your life, you can be a saint and a true child of God. How does it feel like to be the child of the King?
Don’t live your life listening to the lies about your identity. Listen to Him who knows you and loves you most.
“For you formed my inmost being.
You knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I will give thanks to you,
for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Your works are wonderful.
My soul knows that very well.”
— Psalm 139:13–14, WEBBE