If Life Is a Journey, What Do You Bring With You?
Travel light but don’t forget to carry what you need
Having been a field examiner, I got used to packing my things and preparing for my travel. I knew how important it was to bring the things I needed to have a safe and enjoyable journey and to accomplish the work I set out to do!
So if life is a journey, what should we bring along the way?
Let’s start by comparing the things I used to bring in my travels:
1. Maps
Maps represent guides to our journey. Without them, we’d get nowhere. The same thing with life. What kinds of guides do we have with us as we set forth in the greatest journey of all?
Our values
What we value in life helps us determine where we’re going. It helps us to avoid the things that are not important to us and to give priority to those things we most resonate with.
Do you value education? Then your map will point you to paths that will increase your knowledge and help you in your career. Do you value your family? Then you will most likely be guided towards things that will improve your relationship with people.
Our dreams
Dreams give us a sense of purpose we need to continue in our journey. If we have a map, dreams point to the destination we wish to arrive at. It may be as simple as getting the job you want, marrying your ideal partner, or fulfilling the mission God has given you.
2. Cash and credit cards
Cash represents the provisions you will need to have for your journey. If we have dreams, these are the resources we need to have in order to fulfill them. They represent the material wealth needed to physically fulfill our desires.
3. A rosary
A rosary represents prayer. It represents the spiritual resources we need to have a meaningful journey. This is our Higher Source of wisdom and of strength when we feel weak or unable to carry on.
4. My iPod
I have my favorite music and videos on my iPod. Whenever I feel bored, I just listen to a song or two and I’m back on track!
Songs represent the needed positive thinking and sense of humor we should carry with us in our life’s journey. Smile a little. It could make your burdens lighter and help you focus back on your mission.
5. My camera
I love taking pictures when I travel! It’s like taking a piece of your journey back with you and savoring it again and again.
A camera represents our memory of the journey we make. What kinds of pictures are we taking? Are these the kinds of pictures we’d like to take with us when we go home?
6. My mobile phone
One of the important things I bring with me on my travels is my mobile phone. I use it to stay in touch with family and friends wherever I may go.
Keeping in touch. That’s one thing we could do to make our journeys happier and worthwhile. If we could bring our friends with us, then better!
Life is a great journey. But don’t forget to bring along what you need to make it more meaningful and joyful along the way!
Liked after i read your description under “maps”. The two kinds of guides being values and dreams is a really interesting thought and feels like a fruitful thread worth tugging on. I’m going to be chewing on that for a while!