“There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” - Ernest Hemingway
I wanted to be a writer for as far back as I can remember. As a teenager, I wrote poems, songs and essays. I enjoyed writing in my diary. When our school project included writing a short book, I was overjoyed that I could write my first work on fiction!
Perhaps my personality suited my passion for writing. Being an introvert, I was usually the quiet type who had all the time in the world to imagine and turn everything I imagined into writing. I was also fond of observing people. Though I wasn’t the one to start a conversation, I could enjoy a deep talk with those close to me.
There’s something about people that fascinates me. I wanted to understand them more, and I also wanted to be understood. Writing was the tool that helped me to achieve both.
The Career I Had
You may be thinking that since I knew what kind of job I liked, I would immediately choose a course to be a writer. On the contrary, I chose to study accountancy and I ended up being an auditor!
You see, while I was applying for college, I was asked if I wanted to take an exam for a scholarship. Since it could help provide for my studies, I took it, and I passed! But that meant I would have to take a course in accounting.
Later on, I even became a CPA. And I worked as an auditor for ten years!
During that time, my desire to be a writer never left me. I started a blog even while I worked during the day. Eventually, I decided to resign from work and become a full-time writer.
My Imagined Life vs. My Real Life
I don’t know if you’re like me, but I imagined a certain kind of life that comes along with being a writer. Little did I know that writing full-time would mean making a lot of sacrifices. It certainly meant that I could have a far different life from the one that I have always imagined.
Here’s a short comparison of my imagined world vs. my real world as a writer:
1. Writing in a cozy café
I’ve always thought I’d spend much of my time writing in a cozy café. I’d sit there, watch people, feel the vibe of the place and simply retreat once in a while inside my head as I envision my masterpiece.
Well, I was able to do that at the beginning. After resigning from work, I used some of the money I saved to try to live the lifestyle I’ve always had in my head.
After some time, however, the reality slowly became more obvious. I had to save money if I wanted to stay writing full-time!
I now spend most of my time at home, enjoying that cozy ambiance I can never find in a coffee shop!
Knowing my love for coffee, my family bought me a coffee machine I could use at home. I can almost smell that freshly brewed hazelnut coffee! Aside from that, I have some instant coffee from my favorite brands.
With this lifestyle, I save not only from expensive coffee and snacks but only from the high cost of transportation just to go from one coffee shop to another.
(Note: I can still go to my favorite café from time to time as an occasional treat!)
2. Writing only when I’m in the mood for it
I thought I could write only when I was in the mood. I’d take a vacation somewhere, enjoy a relaxing life and then write only when I feel inspired by something.
Isn’t it the ideal life? Whenever someone asks what I do, I’d confidently say, “I’m a writer!”
And then that person would instantly see me as someone who works on my own schedule, never having to work regularly in an office and traveling whenever and wherever I want.
Here is the reality, however. Being a full-time writer means not only writing when you’re in the mood for it. It means I should find a way to write somehow because I needed to.
I couldn’t waste much time while the computer screen before me remains blank. I should type some words to warm up, try to write down my unfiltered thoughts and then edit away later to make some sense of everything I was able to extract from my head.
I just can’t wait to be in the mood. I must find ways to be “in the mood” for writing.
3. Receiving huge royalties for my books
Who doesn’t want to become a millionaire by receiving a lifetime of passive income from your writing?
When I was younger, I thought I could write a best-selling novel that everyone would talk about, and then sit back and relax until I get the inspiration to start writing another book.
The reality is that I earn just enough for a simple life. Given the Catholic niche that I write about, my earning potential has become even more limited. In fact, I earn more from my previous job as an auditor!
Of course there is still the hope that I can earn more later.
But as of the moment, what keeps me doing what I do is my love for writing and for the people I do it for. In a way, I see it as part of my mission in life. Through writing, I can help people to know more about God and His boundless love for all of us.
4. Being a famous writer
This one is connected to being a best-selling writer. I used to think that people would recognize my name as the author of the book they read or heard about.
I may have even imagined seeing my book in a prominent section of a bookstore. And then there’s the author signing event where you can meet your fans!
Even though I can technically say that my work has been read by thousands of people online, I can’t say that I’m that famous or influential.
Who knows if people who read my articles can even remember them?
It’s already a blessing to have a number of subscribers for my Newsletter. These are the people who have supported me and have been with me through the years.
I may end up as one of those obscure writers most people never even heard of. But I hope that at least some of my works may end up inspiring people.
Final thoughts
Our real life may not always end up like the imagined life we’ve always had. There will be many unexpected struggles and sacrifices along the way. The journey may also be long and lonely at one point or the other.
But that doesn’t mean that our real life can never be meaningful. The truth is that, despite all the difficulties, it could even be more beautiful than the lives we’ve imagined in our heads!
If we allow God to lead us, He will help us accomplish the plan He’s always had for our lives. And though we may not immediately see it, we can trust that His plans are far greater than our highest dreams!
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