The Darker the Night, the Greater the Faith We Must Have in the Morning

“Go to sleep in peace. God is awake.” – Victor Hugo
What is night? Is it a time for rest? Is it a time for worry? Is it a time when you could barely remember the warmth of the morning sun?
Night could mean many things for different people as it meant different things for me at various times in my life.
I remember the nights when I could hardly sleep and I was filled with worries. I remember when I was away from home and I could almost feel the darkness finding its way towards my heart, emptying it of hope and warmth and life.
How different indeed from the nights when I used to walk beneath starlit skies, seeing fireflies for the very first time, thankful for all the blessings in my life.
Night could be so cold it could make your very bones shiver, but it could also be filled with stars, filling you with wonder.
Whatever kind of night you may be having these days, I hope that you find God with you. Let His Love be the light to fill every darkness, the hope to help you sleep in peace as you look forward to a brand new day.
“In peace I will both lay myself down and sleep,
for you alone, LORD, make me live in safety.”
– Psalm 4:8, WEBBE
“Watch, O Lord,
with those who wake,
or watch or weep tonight,
and give your angels charge
over those who sleep.
Tend your sick ones,
O Lord Jesus Christ;
rest your weary ones;
bless your dying ones;
soothe your suffering ones;
pity your afflicted ones;
shield your joyous ones;
and all for your love's sake.
― St. Augustine
Faith That Overcomes Fear
There is a kind of night that frightens us, a night without the light of moon nor stars, a night so cold we almost lose faith in the morning.
And in our great fear, we become angry. We may think this anger is righteous, but many times, it is not. For anger that comes out of fear is an anger that comes from lack of faith, faith in the goodness and power of God!
Let us take heart then and not let darkness enter our hearts. Let us trust instead in God who is in control of everything, as He has complete control of the sun, the moon and the stars.
Can God ever fear evil? Can God ever suffer loss?
God knows that the days of evil are numbered. He sits confidently on His throne, His Hands full of justice and of love.
Never will He fail His little ones. Never will darkness have its victory.
God has a plan that overcomes all evil plots. He holds the day of our redemption, and even now, He is already in that glorious future with us. That bright day where we stand triumphant and full of happiness and peace.
The darker the night, the greater the faith we must have in the morning.
“With strength, determination, and utter integrity, Christ withstands the forces of evil and all their efforts to undo the Divine purpose. I saw too that our Protector simply laughs at the Enemy’s malice; in God’s eyes, the Fiend is nothing, and God wants us to have this same perspective.” – Julian of Norwich, All Shall Be Well
When Darkness Comes

When darkness comes, do not fear. God is your might, God is your light!
Those who sow in tears will reap in joy. He who goes out weeping, carrying seed for sowing, will certainly come again with joy, carrying his sheaves. – Psalms 126:5-6, WEB
Darkness comes, but it cannot stay. It must sooner or later give way to the light. So when darkness comes, don’t be afraid. God is there even in the darkness where you are, and though you can’t see Him, He watches over you. And He will carry you through until the morning comes.
Darkness Fades
Darkness comes
But it will pass
It cannot last
It can never prevail.
Only light endures,
Only love.
And in the end,
There is only light.
We weep now,
But we hope.
We groan in pain,
But we carry on.
We work in the dark,
But we shall reap in the light.
And though we die, we live.
And we shall always rise.
Night Shall Pass

“He will wipe away from them every tear from their eyes. Death will be no more; neither will there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain, any more. The first things have passed away.” – Revelation 21, WEB
Sometimes, the darkness that covers the present moment is so heavy and painful, that even though we know God still watches over us, even though we believe that in the end, all things would work together for good, we can’t help but feel unbearable sorrow. Why must things happen this way? Why this indescribable grief?
And though we know that there will be an end to the night, even though we believe the sun will surely rise again, we can’t help but weep. For though such dark hours will certainly pass, it seems to pass so slowly. And while it lasts, eternity itself seemed to have arrived at our very door. A night of eternal sorrow. A winter that refuses to surrender into spring.
What can we do but wait ’til the night is over? What can we hold on to but prayer? And even though our prayers seem empty and dry, we trust still that the One who hears them lives! He is ever the same. He has sustained us in all our past woes, and He will carry us through though we may not know when, though we may not understand how, and though the only grace we feel is the strength to hold on for one moment more.
“I laid myself down and slept.
I awakened, for the LORD sustains me.
- Psalm 3:5, WEBBE
Some inspirational quotes about night
“Day is over, night has come. Today is gone, what’s done is done. Embrace your dreams, through the night. Tomorrow comes with a whole new light.” – George Orwell

“Let gratitude be the pillow upon which you kneel to say your nightly prayer.” – Maya Angelou

“It is vain for you to rise up early,
to stay up late,
eating the bread of toil,
for he gives sleep to his loved ones.”
- Psalm 127, WEBBE
“I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.”
– Galileo Galilei

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“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name.” - Psalm 147:3-4
God bless!