The Unexpected Source of My Book Sales!
Can this also be a part of your marketing strategy?
I have more than 10 books published on Amazon and other digital stores. And while I cannot say that is my main source of income, I’m still happy whenever I see some sales coming in!
When I first started selling a book online, I didn’t even know where to start. I relied on the number of visitors coming to my website and I sold the book directly from there.
Today, I get more book sales since my books are visible from several platforms like Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo and even Gumroad. Still there is much room for improvement and I experimented a number of times in using some advertisement to increase the sales.
At present, however, I stopped those experiments for a while as I focused on free methods of promoting my books such as through content and social media marketing.
I include my books whenever I have a relevant article on Substack, Patheos, Medium and my personal blog I Take Off the Mask! I also put a link in my social media channels like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest.