To Be Loved As You Truly Are
There's something life changing about knowing that you are loved as you are.
You don't have to pretend like you're someone else.
You don't have to always try so hard.
You don't need to be anxious each time you mess up, thinking you'd be rejected after all for that.
You just live as you are.
You laugh as you laugh.
You cry like you've always cried.
And you won't be judged.
You won't be cast away.
You'd just be loved,
And you'd be delighted upon
Just for being you,
For the beautiful
And wonderful person
That you are.
"To be loved but not known is comforting but superficial. To be known and not loved is our greatest fear. But to be fully known and truly loved being loved by God. It is what we need more than anything.”― Timothy Keller
Here’s a preview of the contents
What Can God Do With My Broken Heart?
When you feel broken
You are God’s beloved
You can trust His wounded heart
When God looks at you
When you look at Jesus
To forgive and to let go
Will you ever smile again?
Questions to God
What is God Doing in Times When He is Silent?
What Is Heaven Like?
Where Is God When I Cry Out In Pain?
Why Is My Cross Heavier?
How Do I Carry My Cross?
Why Can’t We Receive God’s Blessings?
How Do I Know God Loves Me When I Can’t Even See His Face?
Is It Possible To Love an Invisible God?
If God Will Provide for Our Needs, Why Are so Many People Hungry?
How Do You Reconcile God’s Infinite Love and the Existence of a Frightening Hell?
If God is Loving, How Could He Allow So Much Suffering?
Have You Ever Felt Afraid of God?
Why Can’t We Always Feel God’s Love?
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