What Do People Mean When They Say That They Are Blessed?
Does God play favorites when He blesses some people more than He blesses others?
We often hear people saying, “I am so blessed.” Sometimes we read it on social media. Sometimes we hear it on television. It’s as though some people feel grateful for all that they have in life — good health, a successful career or the love of a special someone that they can really say “I am so blessed”.
It’s not that they have no right to say it. Gratitude of spirit is something we cannot contain within, we need to express it somehow. But through it all, a question arises, “What about other people?” What about other people who are sick? What about other people who are not so successful in their work? Or how about those who feel that they are so alone? Are they not blessed? Are they not loved by the same God above?
Those are truly difficult questions. I found one song though that helped me in times when I’ve asked those difficult questions myself. It’s the song “Blessings” by Laura Story. Following are some excerpts of its lyrics as well as the music video of the song.
’Cause what if your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You’re near
What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise.
Below is my cover of the song on my YouTube channel “She Who Prays Twice”:
Whatever difficulty you may be going through right now, I hope you find it in your heart that you are still blessed. Sometimes, we are not blessed with material possessions. Sometimes, we are not blessed with health. Sometimes, we are not blessed with success in our chosen professions. But we can still be blessed.
You can be blessed with courage to help you overcome your troubles. You can be blessed with people who can inspire you to do better next time. You can be blessed with endurance to help you persevere despite your pain. Last but not the least, you can be blessed with hope.
When You’re Too Tired to Hope
There are times in your life
when all that you could do is rest.
You cannot love,
you cannot dream,
you don’t know where to start,
and you don’t know where to go.
You want to change your life,
but you’re too weak to move,
you’re too tired to think,
too hurt to heal,
too numb to make amends,
too lost to even hope,
too tired to even pray.
Rest then O heart,
and rest then O soul,
for the journey has been too much for you,
and the world has left you wounded
and alone.
Sleep then for a while,
let go of all your woes.
Lie down in trust,
and let your tears flow down
as they should.
Somebody’s watching,
Somebody’s catching your every tear.
Fear not, for in the quiet of the night
you’re in the arms of Him
who loves you most.
Think not of your worries,
think not of your wounds,
for they shall be healed.
In time shall you find comfort,
and you shall find peace.
O blessed peace,
claim your portion and your strength.
May your soul know what stillness means,
and may the very marrow of your bones
find ease.
Time has come to stop your restless wanderings,
and for all the useless work to cease.
Let God work while you are sleeping,
and in the morning
may you find all things new and sweet.
God’s breath is like a fresh wind that renews us. Frail and weak as we are, we have hope, we find healing.
“Then you shall know that I am the LORD, none who hope in me shall be ashamed.” — Isaiah 49:23
This is the truth,
that we don’t know what really lies ahead.
We don’t know what the next turn will bring us,
whether sadness or joy or purpose or hope.
Only God knows.
And if we know Him who knows,
we can believe.
We can start to trust.
That even when things go dark and hopeless,
all is not yet lost,
that things could still be better.
Things could still turn out for the best,
through the Hand of Him who knows
and who loves without measure nor end.
“The LORD’s acts of mercy are not exhausted,
his compassion is not spent;
They are renewed each morning—
great is your faithfulness!
The LORD is my portion, I tell myself,
therefore I will hope in him.”
— Lamentations 3:22–24
God Works In Mysterious Ways
“Where were you when I founded the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding. Into what were its pedestals sunk, and who laid its cornerstone, While the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God* shouted for joy?” — Job 38:4, 6–7
God works in mysterious ways. He turns a simple seed into a mighty tree and a lowly caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly! Who knows what wonders He is accomplishing right now beyond our notice?
There are times when we may grow impatient because we do not see what God is doing. We do not know when He would ever answer our prayers.
But God is never idle. In times when we think He is doing nothing, He is already accomplishing something beautiful and great! Quietly He does His work, closing doors that would harm us, paving a way even through the desert to make a way for us, protecting us beyond our knowledge.
Who else is able to collect each drop of water from the sea and make the rain fall? Who else is able to form the hills and the mountains out of nothing?
Take heart for your answer is coming. It may not arrive at the time or way you want, but if you keep your faith, it will definitely come in the perfect moment. It will not only satisfy you, it will astound you!
“God moves in a mysterious way
His wonders to perform:
He plants His footsteps in the sea,
And rides upon the storm…
Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take;
The clouds ye so much dread
… shall break in blessings on your head.”
— William Cowper
God is more anxious to bestow his blessings on us than we are to receive them.”
— Saint Augustine
Jocelyn Soriano wrote the books 366 Days of Compassion, To Love an Invisible God, and Defending My Catholic Faith. To support Jocelyn in her “full-time mission” as a Catholic writer, please consider subscribing, upgrading your subscription, buying her books or giving her a tip via Ko-fi.
May God continue to grant you the abality to see far