When Orphans Cry Out to Heaven

“A father of the fatherless, and a defender of the widows, is God in his holy habitation.” (Psalm 68::5, WEB-BE)
“The most terrible poverty is loneliness and the feeling of being unloved.” — Mother Teresa
In a world locked down because of the Coronavirus pandemic, more and more people feel isolated and alone. This is especially true for the most vulnerable ones in our society. The old ones, the poor ones, the sick ones who don’t even have someone by their side just when they needed it most.
While we are limited with the things we can do today, may we do what we can to show compassion, to show that we care. We can do it by sending help to those in need. We can do it by speaking to a friend online. We can do it by praying for those who continue to die alone.
May we not be content in merely preserving our own lives. May we never forget to be human. May we never forget to love.
I think there are sins that do cry out towards heaven. Sins against compassion. Sins against love.
God knows when His children suffer
He knows their pain. He who has mercy on the sparrow and the flowers of the field, shall He not have mercy on those who have been abandoned and abused? Shall He not hear the cries of the helpless? Of those who have no one to defend them? Of those whose hearts are broken because they have no one to call their own?
Touch not the little children. Lay not your hand upon any of them, thinking there is no one who takes care of them and you can get away with your wickedness.
They may seem lowly in the eyes of the world — they may seem like outcasts whom no one would even notice crying. But when they do cry, they have a Father who sees everything, and He will do what He must to wipe away their tears.
“You shall not take advantage of any widow or fatherless child. If you take advantage of them at all, and they cry at all to me, I will surely hear their cry…” (Exodus 22:22–23, WEB-BE)
Prayer of an Orphan
Father God, the sisters tell me you are our Father and we can pray to you. They say that you are always there to listen and that you love us so much. Father, I really don’t know what it’s like to have a father. I don’t know what it’s like to have a mother too.
But watching television, I can see how fathers take good care of their children, how they embrace them and how they enjoy playing with them. The other day I also saw how a child ran to his father when bad kids tried to bully him. The father sent the bad kids away and the child was carried safely upon his arms.
Maybe it would be wonderful if I can have a father who can carry me like that. I would be able to see more things. I would be taller than the other kids! I would surely feel safe and very special being carried off like that.
The sisters here are kind, but their shoulders are not as broad. That’s why I’m asking you, Lord, can you give me my own father here on earth? Can I have someone who will love me and carry me upon his strong shoulders? I don’t want toys anymore, Lord.
I just want a father. And a mother, too. The sisters say that tomorrow, a father and a mother will visit here to pick out one of us to be their own child. I pray Lord that they would pick me though I’m afraid I might not be the one they will choose. I hear they want a handsome kid or one who’s really talented.
I’m not so handsome, Lord, and I don’t even know how to sing. But I can embrace them like the kids I saw on TV. I can help with cleaning their house. I can kiss them when they arrive home from work and then I would bring their slippers.
Would you grant my prayers, Lord? Would you help me? I believe that you are a Good Father as the sisters told me and I really thank you for hearing me out. Maybe I should sleep now so I won’t be so sleepy when my father and mother pick me up tomorrow.
“But Jesus said, ‘Allow the little children, and don’t forbid them to come to me…’” (Matthew 19:14, WEB-BE)
I Love You, My Child
I love you, my child…
There is nothing that you can do
that can separate me away from you.
You are here always,
within my strong and loving embrace.
You are protected,
You are loved.
I delight in you,
and see my own eyes upon your eyes.
I take away your fears
I take away your tears
and from now on you are safe —
you are where you’ve always longed to be.
Let the people who insulted you
see how I cherish you now,
Let those who cast you away
see how close you are to me.
You are never outside of my love,
never an outcast
never a failure
never so far away.
You need not do anything
to please me,
for I am already pleased
that you trust me
to guide you in everything
you wanted to do.
You are beautiful
you are whole
you are healed
you are my beloved.
You can rest upon my strong shoulders,
and trust that you won’t ever slip away,
for it is I
who is holding on firmly to you.