Sometimes, it is not the atheist or the unbeliever that would cause you the most pain. Sometimes, it’s the religious people who would break your heart.
It’s the religious neighbor that would judge you. It’s the religious friend that would betray you. It’s the priest in your parish that would make you feel as though you’ve been condemned.
Even on social media, religious people who share your faith may just be the ones who’d utter the harshest words. Just when you thought you’ve seen a community of believers that would support you, you’d encounter someone who may mean well, but would nevertheless hurt you very much.
While we must accept suffering in this world and we must learn to understand that people don’t always mean what they say, we can’t help but wonder if there’s any difference between religious people and non-religious ones.
Aren’t there unbelievers who seem kinder to you? Aren’t there people from different beliefs who were able to help you just when you needed it most?
All these things help us on our way to humility. It shows us that even religious people can fail us. On the other hand, it teaches us not to look down on others because each person is still made in God’s image whatever his beliefs may be.
In the end, it makes us realize that God is the only One who will not fail us. He is the only One worthy of our worship, the only One who deserves to be loved with all our heart, and strength, and soul.
And because we hold on to Him, we do not lose hope. We forgive each other for our faults. We carry on in faith, entrusting everything to God’s infinite mercy and love.
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” — Matthew 22:37, WEBBE
What Does It Matter What They Say?
What does it matter what they say,
what they say against you,
or how they look down and judge you?
What does it matter what they think of you,
when you know how you are
in the eyes of God?
What does it matter how they see you
or what fault they could find in you,
when you have already found forgiveness
from the One who loves you so?
What does it matter what they say or do?
You have found mercy and light,
and peace and hope.
You have been saved and destined for good
by the Good Lord who has
the final say about who you are.
What does it matter what they say?
What matters are the words
God Himself has promised you:
You are His. You are loved.
You are etched forever
in the palm of His hand!
Jocelyn Soriano is the author of the free e-books “366 Days of Compassion” and “Defending My Catholic Faith”. You can read more of her writings at “Single Catholic Writer”.