When Your Soul Thirsts for Spiritual Water

“As the deer pants for the water brooks, so my soul pants after you, God.” – Psalm 42, WEB
The spiritual water that quenches the thirst of the soul is both similar to as well as different from earthly water. Like earthly water, it is something that refreshes and cleanses us. But spiritual water is unlike any earthly water in the sense that earthly water could never revive us the way that spiritual water can.
Spiritual water so gladdens and fills the heart that there is almost no comparison to the way it satisfies us. It is a cool spring that refreshes us again and again. It is a stream that takes away all impurities and leaves us feeling renewed as though we have just been born again.
Come and have the spiritual water that is the true source of your life. Never forget to set aside time for prayer for in prayer, we open ourselves as we await this most blessed gift from God.
"Prayer is the inner bath of love into which the soul plunges itself."- St. John Vianney
Today, I leave you with a song that has lifted up my soul to prayer, allowing it to be refreshed with true water for the soul.
Nearer Each Day (Lyrics)
Nearer each day to me,
Dearer each day to me,
This Person inside me is
Becoming reality.
Saving me, loving me,
Faith and hope giving me.
You're all the world to me Jesus, my Lord.
Even when faith is small,
When there's no hope at all,
I hear Him say to me,
Trust in Me and you'll see,
That I'll supply all your needs,
If only you will believe.
All anxious doubts will cease,
While trusting in Me.