With Whom Do You Walk in This Valley of Tears?
“You may forget with whom you laughed, but you will never forget with whom you wept.” – Kahlil Gibran
We may find many who will gladly laugh with us, but where can we find those who can share our tears? For laughter is a quick medicine that attracts, but weeping is a burden that none may wish to carry with you. Thus it is said, that when you laugh, the world laughs with you, but when you weep, you weep alone.
Yet even weeping is a treasure, because it is in sorrow that we discover what true love is. Sorrow reveals to us the strength of our friendships. It takes away the masks that have deceived us into believing we are with someone, but in truth, we are really alone.
Let this be our consolation. That such tears take away from us only those who are not real. But they gather with us those who are faithful and true.
We weep in our pain, but we rejoice in the love we have found.
You have turned my mourning into dancing for me.
You have removed my sackcloth, and clothed me with gladness…
-Psalm 30, WEBBE
In This Valley of Tears
In this valley of sorrow, in this valley of tears
Is there a kind of heart that can recognize our griefs?
In this place of darkness, in this place of fear
Is there a faithful hand who can comfort those who weep?
Sometimes it feels as though there is no one who can hear,
And many are the days when in silence we shed our tears,
With so many people who claim they know how to love,
How then is there not one who can be sent from up above?
Just one heart is all we need, one heart that understands,
A heart that knows our pain and lends a helping hand.
Who can find the courage and who can find a way,
To bring some light to many until night turns into day.
No matter how much happiness we have experienced in life, we can’t deny our share of sorrows.
This life may be blessed, but our joy here will always be mingled with pain. Maybe that is why we’d always see the scars upon the Jesus’ hands. Maybe that is why His sacred heart must be surrounded with thorns.
It is to tell us Someone has also experienced our many griefs. It is to tell us that we are not alone. We have One who share our sorrows, One who shares our deepest hurts.
We still walk this valley of tears, but we need not walk alone.
Blessed Suffering
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” - Matthew 5, WEBBE
Blessed are those who mourn, those who walk the valley of tears and have no one to lean on to when they cry.
Blessed are those whose hearts are broken, who have been failed by those whom they held dearest in their hearts.
Blessed are those who fall and have no more strength to carry on.
Blessed are those who have searched for so long and found nothing in the world to fill the emptiness of their souls.
Blessed are you. Blessed indeed is your sigh!
Blessed are you because there is a God who hears, a God who won’t turn you away when your cry.
Your heart has been left desolate of worldly happiness, and it is now empty enough for the King of Kings to fill.
You have been failed by many lovers and now you stand ready for Him who is Most Compassionate and True.
Your strength has left you, now you can be refreshed with power that knows no end.
Blessed are you, blessed is your sorrow. For it has made way for eternal joys to come and dwell in you!
“Every suffering can be blessed because it hollows out a place in us for God and his comfort, which is infinite joy.” – Peter Kreeft, Back to Virtue
Whatever you may be going through today, I hope you find comfort in the gentle Heart of Jesus.
“I have read in Plato and Cicero sayings that are wise and very beautiful; but I have never read in either of them: Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden.”
― Saint Augustine