Beta Reading Services

Hi, I’m Jocelyn Soriano! I’m an author, book reviewer and beta reader. My experience includes reviewing books and preparing beta readings reports. You can find some of my works at Fiverr, Reedsy, and The International Review of Books.

Whiled I do review books at my personal blog from time to time, I prefer to only offer beta reading services for now.

Following are the guidelines in case you want to avail of my beta reading services:

  • I prefer accepting requests for Catholic books but I can also provide beta reading for non-religious books provided that they do not contain any element/teaching against Christianity/Catholicism.

  • I do not accept those with explicit/graphic content.

  • Catholic books must not contain conspiracies or political agendas.

  • Books must not have overtly critical opinions or arguments against the Pope.


1. Payments should be made through PayPal.
2. Payments must be made before I read the book and provide the beta reading report.
3. Beta reading reports are finished between one to two weeks (unless otherwise indicated). Please indicate in your contact form if you need it to be finished earlier.
4. Following are the fees according to the number of book pages:

BOOK PACKAGE Options – Number of Book Pages* and Price

Package A – 50 pages and below $30
Package B – 51 to 100 pages $50
Package C – 101 to 200 pages $60
Package D – 201 to 250 pages $75

(*1 page is estimated to consist of 250 words)

Information Needed

Please indicate the following information about your book:

1. Book Title
2. Book Author
3. Number of Pages
4. Genre
5. Synopsis
6. Amazon Link If Any

Send me your inquiries at joyce (AT) itakeoffthemask (DOT)com


I have been a freelance writer for 16 years and I have more than 15 books published ranging from fiction to non-fiction (fantasy, romance novels, poetry, self-help/ inspirational books). I'm a top book reviewer at Reedsy Discovery. I also review and beta read regularly at Books Social Go.

Before being a full-time freelancer, I worked as an Internal Auditor and Risk Management Officer for more than 10 years. This work not only includes a thorough grasp of business concepts but credibility and integrity to report honestly and to offer frank feedback to improve operations and support the people within the organization.

Above are two areas of competence I can offer you. An artistic and literary insight to your work as well as a professional, honest and thorough feedback as I review your work in the most credible way possible.

I will tell you as a reader whether I have enjoyed your book. And I'll make recommendations as a freelancer/solopreneur who has published her works and supported herself through writing.