This made me think a little of the movie Don’t Look Up… have you seen it? It’s a really thought-provoking film.

Personally I don’t think I would want to be a survivor in a post apocalyptic world.

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Yes, I saw that one! I wouldn't want to live in such a dim world also. I wonder why so many movies are being made about post apocalyptic scenarios. Perhaps they could not longer see something good happening in the future?

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I think that the sharp divisions in society right now, including political ones, are a big part of it. Social media and the algorithms that influence how we see the world are very real echo chambers that make problems in the world seem all consuming. Political leaders that one is opposed to (whoever that may be) are no longer just someone with whom they have disagreements, but the bringers of impending doom, “the worst XXXXXX we’ve ever had.” I also think that climate controversies are very much being used as plots for media right now and they tend to inspire apocalyptic stories.

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Good points! That's just the kind of world we're living in today. I hope that despite everything, by grace and faith, we can bring our little light to make it better. :-)

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