I don't know how old you are, Jocelyn, but you're assuming that you're meant to be single forever, just because you haven't been married by a certain age. I got married at the age of 36 and had my son at 38. A friend recently told me about a guy who didn't get find his perfect spouse until he was 52... and he said it was totally worth the wait. I'm now 58 and divorced = single, but unlike you, I don't consider myself to be part of a group labeled "Singles," and I don't view this as a vocation nor do I see any need for singles to be recognized as a group by the Church. I view myself simply as one of the faithful who (currently) isn't in a relationship. There are a gazillion ways I can give glory to God; I don't need to be "singled out" for that as a member of a special group. You're a child of God, and that should be all the labels you and I will ever need.

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We all have our different needs. My call is very important for me and this is the direction I think I must be exploring right now. Not only for me but also for those who feel the same (they may be considered a few, but they are just as important to attend to). Being single is not always a permanent state, but some people do feel that it is the way of life where they could serve God best.

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